


This class converts Jalali date to Georgian and vase versa. You can use all of the methods as static methods.




constructor(validator: JalaliDateValidatorService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
validator JalaliDateValidatorService No


convertToGeorgian(jYear: number, jMonth: number, jDay: number)

Converts a valid jalali date to a javascript Date object representing a equivalent Georgian date.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
jYear number No

a full Jalali year like 1397

jMonth number No

starts from zero

jDay number No

starts from 1

Returns : Date
convertToJalali(gDate: Date)

This method converts Georgian date to the jalali date. Output is an object implementing SimpleDateInterface.

ATTENTION: month number starts from 0, but day number starts from 1. Just like native javascript Date object.

Implementation in source code

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
gDate Date No

Georgian date as a javascript Date object.

[Implementation in source code]://

createGDateFromDays(numOfDays: number)

Creates a javascript Date object from number of passed days in Georgian calendar representing Georgian date.

Implementation in source code

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
numOfDays number No
Returns : Date
firstDayOfJYearInMarch(jYear: number)

First day of the Farvardin month in Jalali calendar is in March month. This method returns the day number of new jalali year in March. The day number starts from 1 not zero and is equal to the real numbers in the calendar.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
jYear number No

full jalali year like 1397

Returns : number
georgianYearToJalaliYear(gYear: number)

Converts georgian year to the jalali year. Output year is the jalali year that start within the Georgian year.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
gYear number No

full georgian year like 2018

Returns : number
jalaliYearToGeorgianYear(jYear: number)

Converts jalali year number to the georgian year. Output year is the georgian year that jalali year starts within it, not the year that starts in the winter of jalali year.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
jYear number No

full jalali year like 1397

Returns : number
numberOfPassedGDays(gDate: Date)

Calculates the Julian Day number from Gregorian or Julian calendar dates.

Only some code cleaning applied to the source code.

The procedure was tested to be good since 1 March, -100100 (of both calendars) up to a few million years into the future.

Implementation in source code

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
gDate Date No

an instance of javascript date representing a Georgian date.

[Implementation in source code]://

Returns : number
numberOfPassedJDays(jYear: number, jMonth: number, jDay: number)

Returns number of passed days from source day in jalali calendar to the given jalali date.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
jYear number No

full jalali year like 1397

jMonth number No

starts from zero

jDay number No

day number starts from one

Returns : number
numOfGLeapYears(targetGYear: number)

This function returns number of passed leap years from AD 621 until targetGYear.

Implementation in source code

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
targetGYear number No

is full year number like 2018

[Implementation in source code]://

Returns : number


Public validator
Type : JalaliDateValidatorService
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {div, mod} from './ArithmeticUtils';
import {InvalidJalaliDateError} from './InvalidJalaliDate.error';
import {SimpleDateInterface} from './SimpleDate.interface';
import {JalaliDateValidatorService} from './jalali-date-validator.service';

 * This class converts Jalali date to Georgian and vase versa. You can use all of the methods as static methods.
    providedIn: 'root'
export class JalaliDateCalculatorService {

    constructor(public validator: JalaliDateValidatorService) {

     * Calculates the Julian Day number from Gregorian or Julian calendar dates.
     * Only some code cleaning applied to the source code.
     * The procedure was tested to be good since 1 March, -100100 (of both calendars) up to a few million years into the future.
     * @param gDate an instance of javascript date representing a Georgian date.
     * [Implementation in source code]{@link}
    numberOfPassedGDays(gDate: Date): number {
        const gMonth = gDate.getMonth() - 7;
        const gYear = gDate.getFullYear() + 100100;
        const gMonthDiv = div(gMonth, 6);
        const result = div((gYear + gMonthDiv) * 1461, 4) + div((153 * mod(gMonth + 17, 12)) + 2, 5) + gDate.getDate() - 34840408;
        return result - div(div(gYear + gMonthDiv, 100) * 3, 4) + 752;

     * Returns number of passed days from source day in jalali calendar to the given jalali date.
     * @param jYear full jalali year like 1397
     * @param jMonth starts from zero
     * @param jDay day number starts from one
    numberOfPassedJDays(jYear: number, jMonth: number, jDay: number): number {
        return this.numberOfPassedGDays(new Date(this.jalaliYearToGeorgianYear(jYear), 2, this.firstDayOfJYearInMarch(jYear))) +
            (jMonth * 31) - (div(jMonth + 1, 7) * (jMonth - 6)) + jDay - 1;

     * Creates a javascript Date object from number of passed days in Georgian calendar representing Georgian date.
     * [Implementation in source code]{@link}
    createGDateFromDays(numOfDays: number): Date {
        const j = ((4 * numOfDays) + 139361631) + (div(div((4 * numOfDays) + 183187720, 146097) * 3, 4) * 4) - 3908;
        const i = (div(mod(j, 1461), 4) * 5) + 308;
        const gDay = div(mod(i, 153), 5) + 1;
        const gMonth = mod(div(i, 153), 12);
        const gYear = div(j, 1461) - 100100 + div(7 - gMonth, 6);
        return new Date(gYear, gMonth, gDay);

     * This function returns number of passed leap years from AD 621 until targetGYear.
     * @param targetGYear is full year number like 2018
     * [Implementation in source code]{@link}
    numOfGLeapYears(targetGYear: number): number {
        return div(targetGYear, 4) - div((div(targetGYear, 100) + 1) * 3, 4) - 150;

     * First day of the Farvardin month in Jalali calendar is in March month. This method returns the day number of new jalali year in March.
     * The day number starts from 1 not zero and is equal to the real numbers in the calendar.
     * @param jYear full jalali year like 1397
    firstDayOfJYearInMarch(jYear: number): number {
        const gYear = jYear + 621;
        return this.validator.numOfJLeapYears(jYear) - this.numOfGLeapYears(gYear) + 20;

     * Converts jalali year number to the georgian year. Output year is the georgian year that jalali year starts within it, not the year
     * that starts in the winter of jalali year.
     * @param jYear full jalali year like 1397
    jalaliYearToGeorgianYear(jYear: number): number {
        return jYear + 621;

     * Converts georgian year to the jalali year. Output year is the jalali year that start within the Georgian year.
     * @param gYear full georgian year like 2018
    georgianYearToJalaliYear(gYear: number): number {
        return gYear - 621;

     * This method converts Georgian date to the jalali date. Output is an object implementing SimpleDateInterface.
     * ATTENTION: month number starts from 0, but day number starts from 1. Just like native javascript Date object.
     * @param gDate Georgian date as a javascript Date object.
     * [Implementation in source code]{@link}
    convertToJalali(gDate: Date): SimpleDateInterface {
        const georgianYear = gDate.getFullYear();
        let jalaliYear = this.georgianYearToJalaliYear(georgianYear);
        const passedDays = this.numberOfPassedGDays(gDate);
        const numOfPassedDaysTo1Farvardin = this.numberOfPassedGDays(new Date(georgianYear, 2, this.firstDayOfJYearInMarch(jalaliYear)));

        let jalaliDay: number;
        let jalaliMonth: number;

        // Find number of days that passed since 1 Farvardin.
        let numOfDayInJYear = passedDays - numOfPassedDaysTo1Farvardin;
        if (numOfDayInJYear >= 0) {
            if (numOfDayInJYear <= 185) {
                // The first 6 months.
                jalaliMonth = div(numOfDayInJYear, 31);
                jalaliDay = mod(numOfDayInJYear, 31) + 1;
                return {year: jalaliYear, month: jalaliMonth, day: jalaliDay};
            } else {
                // The remaining months.
                numOfDayInJYear -= 186;
        } else {
            // Previous Jalali year.
            jalaliYear -= 1;
            numOfDayInJYear += 179;
            if (this.validator.isJYearLeap(jalaliYear)) {
                numOfDayInJYear += 1;
        jalaliMonth = 6 + div(numOfDayInJYear, 30);
        jalaliDay = mod(numOfDayInJYear, 30) + 1;
        return {year: jalaliYear, month: jalaliMonth, day: jalaliDay};

     * Converts a valid jalali date to a javascript Date object representing a equivalent Georgian date.
     * @param jYear a full Jalali year like 1397
     * @param jMonth starts from zero
     * @param jDay starts from 1
     * @throws InvalidJalaliDateError when inputted date is not a valid Jalali date.
    convertToGeorgian(jYear: number, jMonth: number, jDay: number): Date {
        if (!this.validator.isValidJDate(jYear, jMonth, jDay)) {
            throw new InvalidJalaliDateError();
        return this.createGDateFromDays(this.numberOfPassedJDays(jYear, jMonth, jDay));


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