


For validating Iranian National code (number), you can use this service in your components or every other places using DI or not.




Private _isRepetitive
_isRepetitive(input: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
input string No
Returns : boolean

true if all characters of the input are equal and input length is greater than 1. Otherwise returns false.

isValid(nationalCode: number | string)

This method first normalizes the input using normalize method and implicitly checks input length, So you DO NOT NEED to normalize input before, but this will not make any bad effect.

Then checking validation of the input using algorithm described in this link

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
nationalCode number | string No
Returns : boolean
normalize(nationalCode: number | string)

This method adds zero character at the beginning of the input until the length of the result reach to 10.

This method removes spaces from right and left sides of the input.

ATTENTION: This method doesn't any validation about correctness of the input if it has correct length (between 8 and 10).

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
nationalCode number | string No

a number with at most 10 digits or a string with at most 10 character.

Returns : string

a string with length equal to 10.

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {InvalidNationalCodeError} from './InvalidNationalCode.error';

 * For validating Iranian National code (number), you can use this service in your components or every other places using DI or not.
    providedIn: 'root'
export class NationalCodeService {
     * This method adds zero character at the beginning of the input until the length of the result reach to 10.
     * This method removes spaces from right and left sides of the input.
     * ATTENTION: This method doesn't any validation about correctness of the input if it has correct length (between 8 and 10).
     * @param nationalCode a number with at most 10 digits or a string with at most 10 character.
     * @return a string with length equal to 10.
     * @throws InvalidNationalCodeError when length of the input value is greater than 10.
    normalize(nationalCode: number | string): string {
        if (!nationalCode) {
            throw new InvalidNationalCodeError();
        let normalizedNationalCode= nationalCode.toString();
        normalizedNationalCode = normalizedNationalCode.trim();
        const nationalCodeLength = normalizedNationalCode.length;
        if (nationalCodeLength > 10 || nationalCodeLength < 8) {
            throw new InvalidNationalCodeError(normalizedNationalCode);
        return '0'.repeat(10 - nationalCodeLength) + normalizedNationalCode;

     * This method first normalizes the input using `normalize` method and implicitly checks input length, So you DO NOT NEED to
     * normalize input before, but this will not make any bad effect.
     * [Then checking validation of the input using algorithm described in this link]{@link}
     * @param nationalCode
    isValid(nationalCode: number | string): boolean {
        if (!nationalCode) {
            return false;
        let NormalizedNationalCode = nationalCode.toString();
        if (this._isRepetitive(NormalizedNationalCode)) {
            return false;
        try {
            NormalizedNationalCode = this.normalize(NormalizedNationalCode); // Normalizing the input and checking input length validation implicitly.
        } catch (e) {
            return false; // Input length is not in the valid range.
        let multiplicationResult = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            multiplicationResult += parseInt(NormalizedNationalCode.charAt(i), 10) * (10 - i);
        const reminder = multiplicationResult % 11;
        const controlNum = parseInt(NormalizedNationalCode.charAt(9), 10);
        let desiredControlNum = reminder;
        if (reminder > 1) {
            desiredControlNum = 11 - reminder;
        return desiredControlNum === controlNum;

     * [We are using for loop instead of match or split because it has better performance according to this link]{@link}
     * @return true if all characters of the `input` are equal and input length is greater than 1. Otherwise returns false.
     * @param input
    private _isRepetitive(input: string): boolean {
        if (input.length < 2) {
            return false;
        const firstChar = input.charAt(0);
        for (let i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
            if (input.charAt(i) !== firstChar) {
                return false;
        return true;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""