


Formats JDate objects or convert Date objects (or any instance of classes those implement that interface) to a JDate object and format that according to the given format.

The result of this pipe is not reevaluated when the input is mutated. To avoid the need to reformat the date on every change-detection cycle, treat the date as an immutable object and change the reference when the pipe needs to run again.

You can pass a format pattern string like JDate format method

Also you can use pre-defined format names described below:

   'SHORT': equivalent to yy/m/d h:M t {@example '97/2/23 12:12 ب.ظ'}

   'SHORT_DATE': same as short

   'MEDIUM': equivalent to 'd mmm yyyy، h:M t' {@example '23 اردیبهشت 1397، 12:12 ب.ظ'}

   'MEDIUM_DATE': same as medium

   'LONG': equivalent to 'd mmm yyyy، h:M:S T' {@example '23 اردیبهشت 1397، 12:12:30 بعد از ظهر'}

   'LONG_DATE': same as long

   'SHORT_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M t' {@example '12:12 ب.ظ'}

   'MEDIUM_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M:S t' {@example '12:12:30 ب.ظ'}

   'LONG_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M:S.l T' {@example '12:12:30.300 بعد از ظهر'}

Default format is medium.



Private Static convertNameToFormat

Checks if formatName is in the FormatNames enum. If it is, returns related format string. Else returns formatName string without any change.

Parameters :
Name Optional Description
formatName No

format name or format pattern string

Returns : string

formatting pattern string

transform(value: Date, format: string)

Formatting the date using format method of it with proper formatting pattern created from format

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
value Date No

a Jalali Date object or an instance of Date object or any class implementing that interface

format string No 'MEDIUM_DATE'

format name or format pattern string

Returns : string
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';
import {JDate} from '../JDate/jdate';

 * Pre-defined formats date formats those can use for formatting JDate objects with jdate pipe.
enum JDateFormat {            // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
    SHORT = 'yy/m/d h:M t',
    SHORT_DATE = 'yy/m/d h:M t',
    MEDIUM = 'd mmm yyyy، h:M t',
    MEDIUM_DATE = 'd mmm yyyy، h:M t',
    LONG = 'd mmm yyyy، h:M:S T',
    LONG_DATE = 'd mmm yyyy، h:M:S T',
    SHORT_TIME = 'h:M t',
    MEDIUM_TIME = 'h:M:S t',
    LONG_TIME = 'h:M:S.l T',

 * Formats JDate objects or convert Date objects (or any instance of classes those implement that interface) to a `JDate` object and format
 * that according to the given format.
 * The result of this pipe is not reevaluated when the input is mutated. To avoid the need to reformat the date on every change-detection
 * cycle, treat the date as an immutable object and change the reference when the pipe needs to run again.
 * You can pass a format pattern string like [JDate format method]{@link}
 * Also you can use pre-defined format names described below:
 *        'SHORT': equivalent to yy/m/d h:M t {@example '97/2/23 12:12 ب.ظ'}
 *        'SHORT_DATE': same as short
 *        'MEDIUM': equivalent to 'd mmm yyyy، h:M t' {@example '23 اردیبهشت 1397، 12:12 ب.ظ'}
 *        'MEDIUM_DATE': same as medium
 *        'LONG': equivalent to 'd mmm yyyy، h:M:S T' {@example '23 اردیبهشت 1397، 12:12:30 بعد از ظهر'}
 *        'LONG_DATE': same as long
 *        'SHORT_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M t' {@example '12:12 ب.ظ'}
 *        'MEDIUM_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M:S t' {@example '12:12:30 ب.ظ'}
 *        'LONG_TIME': equivalent to 'h:M:S.l T' {@example '12:12:30.300 بعد از ظهر'}
 *  Default format is `medium`.
    name: 'jdate'
export class JdatePipe implements PipeTransform {

     * Checks if `formatName` is in the `FormatNames` enum. If it is, returns related format string. Else returns `formatName` string
     * without any change.
     * @param formatName format name or format pattern string
     * @return formatting pattern string
    private static convertNameToFormat(formatName: keyof typeof JDateFormat): string {
        if (!JDateFormat[formatName]) {
            return formatName;
        return JDateFormat[formatName];

     * Formatting the date using `format` method of it with proper formatting pattern created from `format`
     * @param value a Jalali Date object or an instance of `Date` object or any class implementing that interface
     * @param format format name or format pattern string
    transform(value: Date, format: string = 'MEDIUM_DATE'): string {
        let inputValue = value;
        if (!(inputValue instanceof JDate)) {
            inputValue = new JDate(inputValue);
        // @ts-ignore
        return inputValue.format(JdatePipe.convertNameToFormat(format));


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